English story

English story | English Story for kids |

  • Tenaliram Story: The Division of Diamonds
    Tenaliram Story: The Division of Diamonds. There was an efficient and intelligent minister named Pandit Tenalirama Krishna in the king’s court. Once a case came into court that it became difficult for the Maharaj to do justice. In this situation, Tenalirama acted judiciously and resolved the king’s confusion. It so happened that one day a … Read more
  • Story of the stupid king- English story for kids
    Story of the stupid king- English story for kids | A king was very fond of wearing good and new clothes. He used to spend all the wealth of his kingdom on his clothes and used to wear new clothes every day. He did not care about his people in front of clothes. One day … Read more
  • Wise Elephant Story – English Story For Kids
    Wise Elephant Story. An elephant lived with his family in a forest. One day the elephant was going from one forest to another with its entire family. On the way, the elephant saw a shining thing. The thought came into the mind of the elephant what is this thing that is shining so much? The … Read more
  • Bad compatible | The Story of Lions and wolf
    Bad compatible | The story of the lion and wolf. There lived a lazy and evil wolf in a forest. He did not do any work and lived in this jugaad, someone should arrange a hunt for him. One day he met a young lion. He caught her in the trap of his friendship by … Read more
  • Bad company effect| English Moral story
    Bad company effect| English Moral storyIn this story, the effect of bad company is told through a rotten mango.Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village. Every day he left early in the morning to work in the field, worked very hard in the field, and returned home in the evening. 30 … Read more
  • Cat story for kids | English Story
    Cat story for kids | English Story | Goma was a very smart and cunning badge. He was very beautiful He had a friend named Yomi the cat. Both were very good friends. One day he went for a walk in a park. That park belonged to the princess. Both of them were roaming there … Read more
  • Magical Egg | magic story for kids
    Magic Story For Kids | Magic Egg | Click to read more children’s stories – English stories In some town there lived an immortal man named Rofail , he had three daughters and a son. There was a fire in the palace of Rofail , in which he lost all his wealth. After this, Rofael … Read more
  • The clever goat | Short English story |
    The clever goat | Short English story for kids |The story tells how a goat saves their kid from a wolf | In a forest, a goat lived with its baby. Once Lembi, a goat baby, fell ill. Even after many days, he did not recover. The goat was getting very worried about the illness … Read more
  • In their own Trap | English story for kids |
    In their own Trap | English story for kids | The fox and the jackal were two evil friends. They both had enmity with a cunning rabbit. Rabbit was liked by all animals, so they did not like the rabbit. One day they planned to catch the rabbit. The fox said that the rabbit is … Read more
  • The Lion and the Mouse
    The Lion and the Mouse English story for kids: Easy and short English story for kids with Moral and Hindi Translation. The Lion and the Mouse English story for kids Once a tiger was resting. Then the mouse passed from there. Tiger caught the mouse. The mouse prayed please don’t eat me. Do you know … Read more

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