My Mother Poem | English Poem

My Mother Poem | English Poem | Mother is a precious gift from God. mother is both my teacher, superhero, and best friend. she is the keystone of child’s education and helped them groom their skills and abilities. we can never compare our mother’s genuine love and care all through our life. her selfless thoughts are the most valuable possession we cling onto. our mother’s constant prayers and blessings have helped us become successful in every walk of life.

How do you find the Energy?

To do all the things you did

To be a teacher nurse and counselor

To me when I was a kid

How did you do it all, Mom

Be chauffeur, cook, and friend

Yet find time to be a playmate

I just can’t comprehend

I see now it was love, Mom

What made you come whenever I’d call

your inexhaustible love, mom

And I thank you for it all…

English poem- click here