The wisest Philosophers and most successful business people on the planet repeatedly say that
The secret to your future lies in your present.So, far a better tomorrow, build clarity today,wasting no more time on mistakes and failures of the past.
Actions aligned with your path help you set a clearer vision, and are more informed by facts and experience.
Even when you make a mistake, you've learned something you didn't previously know,
and it will strengthen your resolve to get to your target from a place of trial and error.This is called learning.
Your battle then, is not with the world around you, but the world within you
The world that your mind is creating and recreating every second of every day.
It's you and only you that is responsible for your outer reality, and that depends on your inner world.
When you want to do something, you'll give it your 100%. when you have to, you'll put in as much effort as you can get away with.
Real success, and the discipline of repeated deliberate practice, does not come with half- hearted effort.
Your life is shaped by your choices. It's shaped by the chances you take, as well as the ones you don't.
It's a series of decisions at critical points that accumulate, pivoting your life down the path you find yourself on.