Book Summary – 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos

Rule 1: Fix your Posture “Stand up straight with your shoulders back”

Rule 2: Care for yourself like how you’d care for someone else

Rule 3: Surround yourself with people who want the best for you.

Rule 4: Improve your own game instead of playing others’

Rule 5: Teach your children to abide by society’s rules

Rule 6: Get your own house in order before criticizing others.

Rule 7: Focus on a higher purpose, not instant gratification. Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)”

Rule 8: Find your personal truth and live it “Tell the truth—or, at least, don’t lie”

Rule 9: Learn to be a good listener.

Rule 10: Define your problem precisely to make it manageable. “Be precise in your speech”

Rule 11: Accept that inequality exists

Rule 12: Take time to appreciate the good things in life.